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Top Digital Marketing Terms You Must Know in 2023

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

From SMM to PPC, it can be really hard to keep up with all the digital marketing terms and jargon – don’t you think so? If you’re a student or a fresher or an experienced professional – these digital marketing terms and concepts or catchy words of digital marketing can help you keep up with conversations. A digital marketer must know what each digital marketing term means. The what and why are important here. The what is to do with what each basic digital marketing term means and the why is to do with why they are important for business. By understanding the why you will be able to understand the terms better and use them better for all your marketing efforts. You’re in the right place for the most important digital marketing terms in 2023. Here’s a list of the A-Z of digital marketing or just the digital marketing glossary you need. 1. Conversion Rate A conversion rate is when any user takes a desired action on your website or social media ads. It is not limited to only sales or converting non-customers into customers. It also includes converting a visiting visitor into a lead, submitting some type of form, filling in personal information, clicking on an ad, etc. These are divided into marketing-qualified leads (MQL) and sales-qualified leads (SQL). 2. Engagement Rate The engagement rate is a very crucial social media-related metric. It indicates the amount of people’s interest in your page or content. It is the clearest sign of interest. Some common indicators of interactions include likes, comments, and shares. 3. Bounce Rate Bounce rate is the metric of how many users left or bounced immediately after visiting your website. A bounce means that the user did not take any other action after visiting your page. They land on a single page and leave. A few reasons could be that they didn’t find what they were looking for or did not like the content on your page. A low bounce rate is ideal. 4. SEO – Search Engine Optimization SEO or search engine optimization is one of the most common digital marketing terms that a marketer can come across. It means on-page and off-page optimization to increase traffic on the website and improve page rankings on any search engine result page (SERP). We recommend this short online course on search engine optimization for a better understanding. 5. Off-page Optimization Off-page optimization includes all your efforts to improve your page rankings that do not include your website but backlinks, link building, classified ads, and other such off-page marketing efforts. Also Read: What skills do you need for Digital Marketing in 2023? 6. On-page optimization This includes optimizing your website and its elements in order to improve rankings on a search engine. Organic search engine rankings can be improved through meta tags and content improvisation. 7. SEM – Search engine marketing Search engine marketing includes paid efforts on a search engine. This includes paid ads on any search engine result page. 8. SMM – Social Media Marketing SMM or social media marketing is a very common digital marketing term. It includes marketing on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. 9. SERP – Search Engine Result Page A search engine result page is the display page that appears on any search engine after feeding in a search query. The higher your page ranking or visibility, the more likely a user will click on your webpage. 10. CTR – Click-Through Rate Click-Through Rate is the metric of people who clicked on a particular link. It could be the CTA (call-to-action) for an ad, email, social media ad, or website page. For example, if an article had 900 visitors but only 45 people clicked on the CTA of ‘know more’, then the click-through rate is 45%. 11. CPC – Cost Per Click In a paid search campaign, cost per click means the cost of each click that a user actions. You pay based on the total number of clicks instead of impressions. Google’s pay-per-click ad campaigns (PPC ads) are the most popular platform for CPC ads. 12. CRM – Customer Relationship Management For any business to sustain itself, a rapport and good relationship with its customers are very important. Customer relationship management (CRM) is the process of building, maintaining, and enhancing a company’s relationships with its customers. CRM has many tools and software available for servicing, customer segmentation, sales analytics, etc. 13. ROI – Return On Investment ROI means the percentage of returns on any given investment. It refers to the sales after any paid marketing campaigns. The end goal of any marketing effort is a sale or purchase. There are many tools available to measure sales and call-to-actions for specific marketing campaigns. Also Read: How to Become SEO Expert: A Complete Guide 14. CAC – Customer Acquisition Cost The cost attached to converting one user into a customer is called customer acquisition cost. It is focused on marketing costs. It helps companies predict how much they will need to spend to generate a certain number of customers. 15. CLV – Customer Lifetime Value Customer lifetime value is the amount of revenue or business a customer would generate for your company in his or her lifetime. It is also called lifetime customer value (LVC). 16. Keyword A keyword is a term or phrase that people use when searching for something in particular on a search engine. Keywords are leveraged for targeting online content. It helps with SEO. For example, blog articles of a minimum of 2,000 words that are SEO-rich with keywords have a higher tendency to rank. 17. Page Performance Page performance is a combined metric that takes into consideration the on-page SEO, website traffic, CTA, and different types of conversions. 18. Page Ranking Your page ranking has a lot to do with credibility and also relevance. It is determined by the Google algorithm. Each site is given a ranking on a scale of 0 to 10. 0 means a poor ranking and means you are not eligible to rank in their search engine. 10 being good – it is awarded to less than 150 sites. 19. Impressions Impressions are the number of times a user is exposed to your content. It is an important measure used to scale campaign success in various digital marketing campaigns. 20. Targeting Targeting is defined by who your audience is – who is it that you’re marketing to? Many social media platforms offer built-in targeting tools. Your demographic preferences can be very specific. For example, single women over the age of 40 who like to go on trips. 21. Remarketing Remarketing, as the name suggests, is a strategy that targets users who have already visited your website. You can target them again through ads, emails, and social media. Also Read: Search Engine Optimization: Types, Tools, and Techniques for SEO 22. Open Rate The open rate indicates the percentage of emails opened from the total number of emails that were sent out. Your email subject line plays a crucial role here as customers are bombarded with emails. Hence, it needs to be unique. 23. CRO- Conversion Rate Optimization CRO is an abbreviation for Conversion Rate Optimization. It is a process of increasing the rate of website visitors to make the desired conversion. The conversion can be anything ranging from making a purchase, filling out a form, or submitting personal information. 24. Agile Marketing Agile marketing is when one uses agile methodologies to manage and improve the practices of a marketing team to increase speed, proficiency, and transparency. It requires both long-term and short planning, strategic vision, and adaptability. It is different from traditional marketing as it focuses on engagement and transparency. 25. Customer Experience Management Customer experience management, also known as CEM is the methodology of understanding customers and developing a very customer-centric approach by overseeing and tracking every interaction that the organization has with each customer through the customer life cycle. The aim is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. 26. Technology Disruption Technology disruption is any kind of technology that causes disruption and affects the normal operation of an industry. Technology disruption uses experimental tactics and test methods that have not been tried earlier. It leads to innovation and adaptation. 27. Growth Hacking Growth hacking is focused on the rapid growth of a company. Creative and low-budget strategies are used by growth hackers to help businesses grow and also, retain customers. It is ‘hacking’ in the most basic sense to achieve high results. 28. Link Building Link building is the process of acquiring relevant links from external sources. Simply put, it is the process of getting other websites to link back to yours. This drives relevant referral traffic and also helps with higher rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs). 29. Marketing Automation Marketing automation is the use of software automation for any marketing efforts. It helps a company streamline, measure, and automate marketing tasks efficiently. The aim of marketing automation is to improve efficiency and generate increased revenue. 30. Performance Marketing Marketing campaigns where advertisers or affiliates are paid once the desired action is completed are called Performance Marketing. The desired action could be generating leads, followers, conversions, sales, downloads, etc. Thinking to join a digital marketing course in Jaipur? This will give you a chance to master digital marketing strategies with live, personalized mentorship and learn from the best! So, this brings us to the end of the blog on top digital marketing terms that you must know in 2023. As the digital world keeps evolving, it is important to upgrade your skills and stay on top of your game.

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